Avainsana: SM

KPIs for API Service Level Agreement

Henri Uusoksa - 06.03.2017

In my previous blog post I wrote about the absence of Service Level Agreements in the average Business to Business integration and in the business use APIs. To sum up the previous blog post: The absence of SLAs in the B2B integrations and APIs lead to significant amount money and time being consumed for useless […]

Service Management, or lack thereof, in B2B APIs

Henri Uusoksa - 17.02.2017

With the advent of (Robotic) Process Automation, (IT Operations) Automation, (Industrial) Internet of Things, Service Integration and Management,  the importance of the internal and external APIs has been steadily rising. One thing I constantly feel is missing is the Service Management side of the equation. I briefly mentioned the need for Service Management in my […]